6.30am - 2 Brazil nuts, 4 almonds and a 35ml Yakult yogurt drink
7.15am - white Americano, no sugar
10am - 4 poached eggs, a large handful of spinach and half a tin of kidney beans in chilli sauce
12 noon - 10 almonds and a spoon of organic coconut
2.15pm - Mexican black beans, peppers, onions, chicken breast, steak, sour cream, cheese and avocado
4pm - white coffee
6.30pm - large fillet of salmon with a Greek salad and avocado
9.30pm - mug of green tea
Training (legs and shoulders)
Deadlift - 6 sets of 10 reps at 80kg
Arnie press - 4 x 12 at 17.5kg
Shoulder blast, called 'around the world':
- Lat raise, hands start at hips, 3 x 7 at 4kg (super set with below)
- Lat raise, hands start at lower back, 3 x 7 at 4kg (super set with below)
- Db reverse fly, 3 x 7 at 4kg
Rob G
chicken breast, and steak??? do you really think that that is a healthy diet?? or it depends on how much exercise you do later??