Monday, 19 September 2011

Week 7, Day 1 of my 12 Week Transformation

Food for the week

As I approach the half-way point of my 12 week transformation, I’d like to share some more nutritional advice. In fact what I thought I’d do today is show you a photo of exactly what I bought from the supermarket yesterday, and pick out a few selected items of the foods and explain their health benefits.

Eggs – contain 6 grams of protein each and contain all 9 essential amino acids.

Butter – naturally high in vitamin A, it also helps with the absorption of other vitamins, specifically D,E & K.

Pumpkin seeds – high in zinc (particularly important for male fertility) as well as loaded with protein.

Almonds – high in protein and quality monounsaturated fat, which helps to lower blood pressure.

Brazil nuts – contain the mineral Selenium which boosts the immune system and is vital for the production of testosterone.

Chicken – contains approximately 30 grams of protein per breast.

Blueberries – high in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Bananas – really high in potassium, which helps to regulate blood pressure.

Sweet potato – my own personal favourite vegetable. It’s as slow releasing in terms of energy as oats, and is packed full of fibre and vitamins.

Avocado – contains monounsaturated fats that help lower the cholesterol, and has high levels of fibre so you feel fuller for longer.

Broccoli – packed with vitamin C, which aids with iron absorption. Also high in fibre, which can help to reduce cholesterol.

The other foods in the photo are: natural yoghurt, Yakult, carrots, bok choy, peppers, porridge, tomatoes, brown rice, cod, cottage cheese, lemon, spinach and mushrooms.

I now feel totally in control of what I am eating and when. I will talk about the health benefits of some of the other foods in the photo later this week.



1 comment:

  1. Actually is really important to have a good nutrition when you are young because what you give to your body now is what is gonna be in the future, because when you get old is when the bills start to come.
