Giuseppe’s 1st Triathlon
August saw Giuseppe take part in his first triathlon which was the London Triathlon and was held round London’s Docklands. It had to be said that the cold waters of the Thames were no match for the Italian stallion, despite the fact that just a few months before he couldn’t swim at all! He completed a 400m swim, 10km bike and 2.5km run in 57 min. This placed him an impressive 37th out of a field of 97 competitors. Well done Giuseppe we are all very proud of you!

Simple Advice To Aid The Loss of Body Fat
In addition to the previous blog, that discussed three simple methods of reducing body fat by following certain principles, this short discussion aims to clarify some misconceptions about nutrition that has often been fuelled by the UK and US food marketing companies.
Breaking the Misconceptions!
Reliable research has shown that a major cause of obesity and weight gain over the last half-century is due to an increase in high-sugar and highly processed foods on the market, and not high-fat foods alone. High fat foods do add additional calories to the diet, but it is the highly processed foods that can cause the most damage.
'An increase in the level of Glucose availability in the blood has been shown to allow the liver to increase fatty acid formation.'
So called 'low-fat' foods including yoghurts, cereals and snacks are often loaded with sugar, or even worse, sweeteners, in order to make them taste better.
When the body absorbs sugar into the body, Insulin is released into the bloodstream in order to store the sugar as 'energy' in the cells.
However, an Insulin Spike doesn't allow the body to stay in a 'fat-burning' state, meaning that it won't use the stored fat molecules as energy as effectively.If anything, research has shown that a high level of Insulin present in the blood actually INCREASES fat storage.
'The conversion of fatty acids into Triglycerides within the fat cells is rapidly enhanced by Insulin'.
In order to increase your fat-burning potential, you must try to maintain a level blood sugar level for as long as possible, and thus prevent large amounts of insulin being released.Simple-Carbohydrates (such as white rice, pasta, bread etc) will increase your insulin levels, and take you out of your 'fat-burning state'.
This is why our toning and weight-loss diets are high in protein, with some complex carbohydrates and fats, yet low in simple and easily absorbed carbohydrate.
Method behind the madness
The US and UK nutritional guidelines have been influenced in the past by inaccurate research, often performed by the food marketing companies themselves. Coincidence....?!?!
Other Key Factors for Weight Gain:
Carbohydrate dominant diet causing regular high insulin levels
Carbohydrate dominant diet causing regular high insulin levels
- Elevated levels of hunger and cravings through nutrient deficient diet
- Hormonal disruption of oestrogen, Adrenaline or growth hormone
- Effects of stress on the hormonal system
- Hormonal disruption of oestrogen, Adrenaline or growth hormone
- Effects of stress on the hormonal system
These shall be addressed at a later stage.
Aaron Brandon-Tyrrell - Revolution Senior Trainer
Client of The Month
The Revolution client of the month is Tom Kelly. In just 9 weeks since starting his training with us he has lost an impressive 13.3kg in weight and 4.75” from his waist. This is despite the considerable discomfort and pain he has often experienced from chronic osteoarthritis affecting both of his knees. Be sure to keep an eye open for anyone screaming between Becton and Angel, pedalling like a man possessed, there is even a possibility that Tom could represent Great Britain in next year’s tour de France. Congratulations on your results so far Tom.
The Revolution client of the month is Tom Kelly. In just 9 weeks since starting his training with us he has lost an impressive 13.3kg in weight and 4.75” from his waist. This is despite the considerable discomfort and pain he has often experienced from chronic osteoarthritis affecting both of his knees. Be sure to keep an eye open for anyone screaming between Becton and Angel, pedalling like a man possessed, there is even a possibility that Tom could represent Great Britain in next year’s tour de France. Congratulations on your results so far Tom.

Revolution Christmas Party
I know you might have just packed away this year’s Speedo’s, mankini’s and bikini’s but we’ve just booked this year’s Christmas party. It will be on the 3rd December and will be in the function room of the Slug and Lettuce. Neil ‘the flower pot’ McGuigan will be propping up the bar from 4.30pm. It would be great to see you all there so try and save a date in your diary for the party of the year!
Keep in Touch
Just to let you know that as well as Facebook, we’re also set up on Twitter. So to get involved in the daily studio results and banter, follow us:
Best regards,
Rob and The REVOLUTION team
Tel: 0207 288 6121
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