Thursday, 26 April 2012
The Revolution blog has moved!
Food: The Final Changes
What is different?
-I am eating fewer calories
-I am eating less carbs and the sources I am choosing are low calorie options
-My fat intake is coming from almonds/walnuts and egg yolks
-My protein sources are eggs, white fish (mainly cod) both easy on the digestive system, complete protein sources, and the high protein/no sugar combination I am after these last two weeks as well as protein shakes post training
-I am eating lots of (water dense) salad such as tomatoes, cucumber, iceberg lettuce and celery
-My vegetables are solely spinach and asparagus- both of which are diuretics, low in salt, low in calorie and high in fibre
These food choices are the final stage of making my goal a reality and will result in my body looking like it belongs in a fitness magazine and I will have the satisfaction of knowing I have gotten into the best shape possible. It is in these last two weeks when I am following a restrictive food plan that I naturally expect to see the final tightening up of my physique with all measurements decreasing significantly and I will then be looking forward to reintroducing my favourite food back into my diet.
8am: dbl espresso, 1/3 cup of oats made with water and 2 egg whites
9am: gym session- legs and cardio
10.30am: protein shake and apple
2pm: grilled swordfish and salad,
4.45pm: 2 rice cakes (KALLO brand- no sugar and no salt, 18kcal per cake) with 2 eggs
7.30pm: small cod fillet (Baked in spices) and asparagus
3 green teas and 2 black coffees, 3 litres water
5.15am: dbl espresso
5.45am: bike hill sprints and ABS (Sipping BCAAs)
7am: apple, 3 rice cakes and 2 hardboiled eggs
10am: Yakult + 10g almonds 12pm: 10g almonds + celery
2.15pm: Baked cod and asparagus with mixed salad (cucumber, celery, plum tomatoes)
4pm: Full body fast weights sessions
5pm: post training shake
7pm: small cod and cucumber and celery stalks
5.15am: dbl espresso
5.45am: 30mins incline walking
7am: 3 rice thins, 2 eggs + raw salad 9am: 20g walnuts
11.45am: baked cod and salad
2pm: Yakult
3pm: 3 egg whites with 2 rice cakes
6.20pm: veg and backed cod
Couple teaspoons of coconut manna to finish off the day when I was struggling, had very low energy all afternoon.
5.45am: Double espresso
7am: 2 hard boiled eggs, 3 rice thins and 20g walnuts
9am: Yakult
10am: Full Body Fast weight session
11am: post training protein shake
1.15pm: Baked cod and salad, 10g almonds
3pm: 30mins steady cardio and abs
5pm: 3 egg whites, 3 rice thins with cucumber and celery
7pm: 10g almonds
On a positive note, tomorrow (Thursday) is a high carb day where I will be having oats in the morning and sweet potato at lunch time so I felt much better by the end of today knowing that I would have more energy by tomorrow. I just want to reiterate that the food times and choices are personal preferences to my lifestyle and specific to me but I hope it gives you an idea of what calorie reducing and leaning out in the final stages looks like.
By Rebecca Maslin
Monday, 23 April 2012
Consistency is Key
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Eating Out!
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Grilled Swordfish and Salad (no dressing) |
- If possible, research the menu before you go out. Many restaurants now have their menu on their website and this will help affirm your food choice and prevent procrastinating and being rushed into the less desirable option when out.
- Do not be afraid to change and be selective with what is being offered. The menu is not set in stone.
- If your meal comes with starchy carbohydrates such as chips, bread, pasta, ask for additional salad/vegetables instead of these. Avoid letting them sit at the table as this is when you will pick and one piece turns into a bowl very quickly! Out of sight, out of mind.
- Opt for the meals that are fundamentally lean protein based such as steak (filet is the better option), chicken breast and fish.
- Meat that is marinated and then grilled or baked is a better choice then something swimming in sauce or fried in oil.
- Ask for balsamic vinegar/olive oil over the offered salad dressing. Every restaurant has it and the dressings are usually high sugar and high in calories.
- Skip the bread basket completely if you are serious about your weight loss.
- If you are eating somewhere and you already know they serve big portion sizes, ask for half their normal size before it comes to the table. This will prevent mindless eating ‘just because it’s there’.
- A curry is still a curry regardless of how it is served. This is probably the most commonly discussed food options from clients when they are trying to justify eating an Indian/Thai meal socially. Accept that this will be a cheat night and enjoy it. There are too many foods off a diet plan involved in these meals such as white rice, naan breads, noodles, poppadums’, chutneys and high sugar, high fat, high calorie sauces so have this is a cheat and stick to your diet fully the rest of the week.
- If your meal out is a cheat meal, take pleasure in it and order what you want, making sure you get back on the wagon the next day.
Friday, 20 April 2012
Two Weeks To Go!
Thursday, 19 April 2012
The Last Three Days: Food & Training Info!
This is my food and training information for the last three days. Tuesday was a higher carb day but the last two days have been higher in fat to compensate for fewer carbs. I still need the additional energy to complete my workouts. From Saturday my food plans will change around again as I hit the last two weeks leading up to the 5th May. Please feel free to post any questions…
Tuesday 17 April
5.15am: Double espresso
5.45-6.30am: Leg circuit session (sipping BCAA’s)
6.45: Protein shake, 1/3 cup of oats with water and ¼ cup blueberries, 1 apple
10am: 6 walnut halves and Yakult yogurt drink
12pm: ½ sweet potato, ½ chicken breast, 1 egg , green beans and asparagus (small portion)
1-2pm: cardio circuit with Ryan
3pm: ½ sweet potato, ½ chicken breast, 2 egg whites, green beans and asparagus (small portion)
7.30pm: Bowl of cucumber, red Romano pepper, plum tomatoes and celery.
Wednesday 18 April
6am: black coffee, 1 apple and 6 walnut halves, 6 almonds
8.45am: 1/3 cup of oats with water, 1 TBSP flaxseed, 3 egg whites (hard boiled)
12pm: 12 almonds, 1 small egg, 1 banana (in between sessions and pre-training snack)
12.50-1.40pm: Upper Body Weight circuit, emphasis on isolating shoulders to bring out striations
1.45pm: Post training protein shake
3.30pm: 1 chicken breast, 6 pimento olives, mixed salad (celery, cucumber, red pepper & plum tomatoes, 3 artichoke halves) and 2 rice cakes
5-6pm: half hour steady cardio incline treadmill walking and AB workout, 4 exercises, 15 reps, 3 sets
7.10pm: Baked haddock with mixed salad (celery, cucumber, red pepper and plum tomatoes) drizzle of balsamic vinegar.
Thursday 19 April
5.15am: double espresso
5.45am: 30mins incline power walking on treadmill, 350kcal (sipping BCAA's)
6.45am: 1 apple, yakult, 6 walnut halves, 6 almonds
8.45am: 1/3 cup oats made with water, 1 TBSP flaxseed & 3 egg whites
12pm: 20g almonds (in between sessions)
1-2pm: Full Body circuits including kettlebells and some arm and abdominal isolation.
2pm: Post training protein shake and apple
3.30pm: 1 chicken breast (baked), 6 pimento olives, mixed salad: cucumber, celery, red pepper and 3 artichole halves. I also had a couple mouthfuls of salt popcorn. Personally I find it helps kill a sweet craving when I’m scratching the walls and is low in calories and low sugar.
7pm: 1 hard boiled egg and mixed salad (same as above)
These last few days my work day has been quite busy, hence some of the sporadic food choices throughout the day. I plan my meals/snacks based on my sessions and when I have a break as well as what will give me the energy during training and the appropriate nutrition for recovery post exercise. I also drink 3 litres of water daily and my hot drink of choice is a black coffee first thing and green tea for the rest of the day.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Food Prep!

After a few nonstop days at the gym: many sessions in a row, fitting in workouts and generally keeping the boys in check, I was reflecting about how preparing my food in advance and planning WHAT I am going to eat and WHEN has made sticking to my goals so much easier. "Food prep" and taking control of all my meals on a daily basis has contributed greatly to determining the successful outcome of my goal. Weight loss becomes far more achievable when you personally take the initiative and responsibility over your food. If I’m honest, it can be slightly time consuming and I do feel like an idiot when I am hitting strangers on the bus first thing on a morning with my cooler bag full of my food for the next 14 hours, but the rewards far outweigh the aforementioned negatives which is only my ego talking!
The Advantages of Preparing your Own Food:
-You control the portion sizes
-You know exactly what has gone into the food- no nasty surprises such as poached eggs arriving to the table swimming in hollandaise sauce, a healthy breakfast with good intentions can turn very calorific and sugary when you do not know what is on the menu or the details of how it is served.
-You can stick to your diet plan with no excuses
-You are not leaving your meals to chance
-You enjoy your food more when you know you have put time and consideration into its preparation
-You can be selective with the food quality if it is something you are concerned about, i.e organic, free range meat and eggs and fresh salad leaves. There is nothing more disappointing than soggy three day old salad when you are paying to eat out!
-It is more cost effective than buying out everyday
I am perfecting preparing my food for the week as an art form and it does not have to be an all time consuming event every evening of the week. You do however have to make it a priority and have a vague idea of what your work week looks like: Are you in meetings? Do you have work lunches/dinners? Can you take a snack at your desk/workplace? Knowing your daily routine and planning for it, takes the guesswork out of your meals.
Here are a few tips on efficient food prep:
-Make enough food in your evening meal to take to work with you the next day
-On a Sunday evening, hard boil 6 eggs and keep in the fridge eating two a day as a snack/meal over the next three days.
-Bake chicken and sweet potato in batches. They will hold in the fridge for up to three days in a Tupperware container and still taste great.
-Buy a bag of apples on a Monday and keep it with you at work, having one each morning as a snack.
-Soak porridge oats overnight in water. They cook much faster once they have had a chance to absorb liquid which is perfect for anyone rushing in the morning.
-Keep your kitchen cupboards and fridge organised so you become familiar with where your food is located.
Once preparing your food becomes part of your routine and you discipline yourself to make the effort to prioritise it, it becomes much easier to find the time to ensure it is done. This is one of the key lessons I have learnt since working at Revolution and something I would encourage anyone with an interest in achieving a slimmer and leaner physique to pursue. YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR NEXT MEAL IS!
Later this week I will be writing about eating out and smart food choices when socialising for those (myself included)who enjoy meals out with friends but are working towards a goal.
Monday, 16 April 2012
The Top Ten Foods For Weight Loss

After spending 6 minutes and 42 seconds talking about and recording my food shop, I have since experienced some technical difficulty (mainly I didn’t talk loud enough!) and unfortunately cannot put up a video blog today and will have to try again next week. Instead, I will recommend the top ten foods that I think are staples in any shopping basket, but especially if fat loss and developing a leaner physique is your goal.
PORRIDGE OATS: a perfect start to the day as it’s a high fibre (provides the feeling of satiety, fuller for longer) complex carbohydrate that slowly releases energy throughout the morning. It has very little sugar so you will not get that mid-morning slump that many breakfast cereals guarantee as well as being a great energy source for fuel for exercise.
SWEET POTATO: they taste delicious and their natural sugars are slowly released into the blood stream making it a superior choice carbohydrate throughout the day providing a regular and balanced source of energy. It is the sudden insulin spike from high sugar ‘white’ foods such as bread and pasta that lead to weight gain.
CHICKEN BREASTS: they are high protein (approx. 25g of protein in a medium breast- palm size) but also incredibly lean and low in fat. If you are serious about seeing some abdominal definition you want to opt for the leanest cuts of meat such as chicken and turkey rather than lamb/pork.
EGGS: they are a complete protein that contains all nine essential amino acids as well as good fats and vitamin D found in the yolk. They are incredibly versatile in the kitchen and easy on the digestive system.
WHITE FISH: Like eggs, the body can process flakey white fish such as cod and haddock very easily. They are low in fat and sugar and high in protein making them an ideal food choice at the end of the day.
COLD WATER FISH: these include salmon, mackerel and sardines. Salmon especially is a great source of Omega 3 (an essential fatty acid that the body can only get through ingestion) as well as being high in protein. Fats serve important functions in the body including cell formation, brain structure and function as well as being great for skin and hair care.
NUTS: another great fat source but they are also very nutrient dense. Almonds especially have the most nutrients over any other nut and walnuts are the best source of Essential Fatty Acids
APPLES: they are high in fibre and satisfy hunger for very few calories so are a great boost in aiding weightless. Apples are both nutrient and vitamin dense, especially in vitamin C, iron and calcium but much evidence shows that they provide many health benefits that can help prevent degenerative diseases.
LEAFY GREENS VEGETABLES: they are the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food (calorie for calorie) providing the nutrients and vitamins that the body needs for optimum function. They are low in carbs but high fibre making them slower to digest and have little impact on blood glucose. Kale, Broccoli, Chard and Spinach, Lettuces are good examples
GREEN TEA: a natural antioxidant and a good source of caffeine which promotes elevated metabolism making fats more mobile and easier to use as a fuel source.
By Rebecca Maslin
Thursday, 12 April 2012
The Refeed

By Rebecca Maslin
Today has been my cheat day, or as I am looking at it a chance to refuel and feed up my muscles after my demanding training today (LEGS and PT with Ryan) and also to prepare for the next big workouts coming up over this weekend. I am using the term ‘cheat’ very loosely as I am sure some will see my food plan and wonder what is so special or naughty about today. I will not pretend to be holier than thou and can openly admit to some serious carnage with food in the past on my days off from my normal eating routine: a bottle of wine or three, G&T’S, percy pigs, caramel slices, pizza, takeaways, bags of kettlechips and spending a million pounds on pick ‘n’ mix at the cinema are a few of my indulgences on previous cheat days and at times whole weekends! In these final stages of my preparation however my cheat days are high in complex carbohydrates and calories and serve a more purposeful role than my normal sugar fix!
These last four weeks I am following a food plan that personally works well for me that consists of rotating my carbohydrates so I have higher carb days such as today (when I am training legs) and the last four days have been low consumption days (See Tuesday 10th April Blog) My fat intake on the low carb days has been higher so my calories do not drop too low. Today, I had the pleasure of really enjoying some good quality carbs in the form of fruit, two servings of baked sweet potato as well as my normal oats. This was a real treat for me and I knew I was ready for the reload for two reasons: The first was that I wanted a hot lunch yesterday (a sign of comfort food for me) and despite looking for something out in Angel, I came back with my tail in my legs to my trusty cooler bag and had my Tupperware chicken and veg! The second sign is that I bought oatcakes and made my way through a couple packs (Not boxes which is surprisingly doable!) This was not part of the plan. My body was craving the most efficient energy source (carbs) and I tried to combat that with what I thought would cause as little damage as possible. What I needed was real food and I am now feeling very satisfied. This is how I am viewing cheat meals over the next few weeks- a necessity- more calories, more good carbs.
The benefits of cheat days/meals:
You re-set your metabolism: Thyroid hormones are activated when we reefed/overload/cheat on our normal clean diet and these in turn elevate our metabolic rate and this produces increased heat generation when the body is working efficiently.
The body is working hard for the next 24-48 hours post cheat: The elevation in calories means the body has to work harder than normal and the body is burning fuel fast.
They are good for you psychologically: You can justify following a restrictive food plan when you know that at some stage you can have a day off from it. Following a diet can sometimes be very tough mentally and the cheat day provides you with the opportunity for some guilt free indulgence.
They are enjoyable: A three course meal with good wine and good friends.. Bliss.
The cheat day is earned and is most successful if you have followed a clean eating plan for the other six days in the week. It is also worth remembering how your body will react to your cheat on both your digestive and hormonal system when you are eating very well for the majority of the time.
THURSDAY12TH APRIL: Food Plan & Training
5am: Black Americano
5.30am: 1 apple and Yakult
6.45-7.30 Leg Circuit: 3 circuits, 3 exercises in each, 15 reps each exercise x 3 (bike sprints to finish)
7.45: Post training protein shake, 1/3 cup oats made with water,1/3 cup blueberries, small banana
11.45am: sweet potato, chicken breast, salad
2pm: Cardio Circuit and 20mins ABS with Ryan (Sipping BCAA mixture)
3pm: 1 small banana, 6 pack plain oatcakes (Straight after training)
5.30pm: Sweet potato, chicken breast, salad
8.30pm: 2 hardboiled eggs
This is a high-carb day which will set me up until my next one in a few days’ time. I ingest the majority of my carbs straight after training, especially the fruit which has high sugar content and will help restore the body to a fat-burning state. I take a high carb day when I train legs as they require more energy than any body part when trained so will naturally benefit from the additional fuel. My fat intake is lower today so I don’t ingest too many calories. I am really looking forward to my training tomorrow to see how the boost in calories will have a positive impact on my performance.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Tuesday 10th April
By Rebecca Maslin
Thank you so much for all the positive feedback and kind words I have received from friends, clients and colleagues since the first blog yesterday. It is a great feeling to know that so many of us have individual goals that we are striving to achieve and that with hard work, dedication and consistency can see them come to fruition.
Here is my Training and Food diary from yesterday. I took advantage of the slightly later start and bright morning and walked into work (the incidental exercise us trainers blab on about!) and by doing so first thing on an empty stomach the body will use fat stores as its preferred fuel source. When my working day allows I will also double train for the next four weeks (twice in one day) and cardio circuits with Ryan and an upper body weight circuit later in the day were on my schedule. I am still lifting as heavy as I can with weights but now aiming for 15 reps per exercise and completing between 3-5 exercises one after the other. An example of this would be Standing DB Shoulder Press, Lat Pull Down, Press ups and Bicep Curls hitting all the main upper body muscles. As a point I still take rest days in the week.
My carbohydrate intake was slightly lower with the majority being consumed before my intense workout so I could still perform to my maximum when it matters the most. However, my fat intake was slightly higher with some form being consumed with every meal: almonds, flaxseed, olives, egg yolks and olive oil. Fats (Good fats/Essential Fatty Acids) are an essential macronutrient and provide an important role in so many bodily functions and should not be excluded. I am keeping my protein intake relatively high as I want to maintain as much lean muscle tissue as possible whilst losing body fat (protein is the building block of muscles.) I put in too much effort with the weights in the lead up to now to lose all my gains through carless dieting and restricting the right foods the body needs and I also feel fuller for longer when I include it in my meals/snacks.
Food Intake & Training:
6.30am: double espresso
Fasted cardio including hill walking and walked into work (1 hour)
8.30am: 1 apple, 20g almonds and Yakult
10.30am: 1/3 cup of oats made with water, 1 TBSP ground flaxseed and 3 egg whites (hard boiled)
12-1pm Cardio Circuits with Ryan:
1min boxing pads (15secs off)
1min skipping (15secs off)
1min random cardio (tucks/sprints/burpees/squatjumps etc)
90secs recover and complete 6 times
Bike Hill Intervals (1min on hard/1 min off recover) x 4
Plank Variations
2pm: Organic Chicken Breast (baked with chilli, pepper, paprika, garlic, olive oil), steamed green beans & asparagus spears, 10 pimento olives
3.30-4.15pm Upper Body Weight Circuit
4.30pm: Post Training Shake
7.30pm: 2 hard boiled eggs and mixed salad (lamb’s lettuce, cucumber, cherry tomatoes and red pepper) Balsamic and olive oil dressing.
1 Americano, 4 Green Teas and 3 litres of water throughout the day
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Four Weeks and Counting
There are a few things I would like to share with you in this first blog post so that you know where I currently am with my training and diet.
I have followed the exercise principles of the Revolution 12 Week Transformation. Once I felt my body was conditioned and ready, I followed a five day split lifting weights since the start of 2012. My split was training legs twice a week in a high rep range and then my upper body split was chest and triceps, back and biceps and shoulders and abs - lifting as heavy as I could without injury and maintaining correct form for 10reps each set. I also had a boxing/cardio circuit with Ryan weekly to maintain a base level of fitness. The muscle definition that I am starting to see now is a result of my training with weights prior to circuits which is the training phase I am now in, leading up to 5th May.